The blatant skin theft that has been going on is not only damaging for our content creators that put hours and hours of work and a lot of love in their creations, only to see some jackasses riping it off and making a profit of it, it is damageing to all SL residents. As Ziggy Quirk mentions in her video message, it is litterally a matter of days before content creators will just stop creating and eventually leaving SL for environments where their talents are not being as abused as in out part of the metaverse.
To fight back however, I don't believe in people closing their sims, or stop creating. I applaude Sachi Vixen who has made some skin samples freely available and transferable, so that people can try them, learn about their qualities and eventually pass them onto others so that they can learn too. This creates awareness so that people learn to distinguish the real deal from the fake stuff.
Now this is not a solution, nor is crowding a place with stolen content until a next location surfaces. For a solution, Linden Labs need to swing into action and take measures on a level no resident is capable of doing. They need to let go of their laissez faire, laissez passer attitude, just as they did with the casinos and the banks and other things they hold threathening for the company and the residents alike. So yes, as unoriginal as it si these days, go to JIRA and vote and make sure that LL cannot ignore this problem anymore and assumes responsibility.